
Buchanan Memorial Hall

SCIO 47548

15 May 2018


  1. Members present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of the previous meeting – 13 February 2018
  4. Matters arising
    1. David Fraser invite – update
    2. £800 grant funding
  5. Briefing on Fore application
    1. Lack of clarity on how Hall would change if funding was awarded
  6. Update on meeting with Stirling Council on 15 February 2018
    1. Date for meeting between SC Asset Team, Economic Development Team etc
    2. Survey of community
  7. Fundraising
    1. Charges for next year
    2. Skip hire – chair and table disposal
    3. Ceilidh – possible date
    4. Lottery funding
  8. East Loch Lomond Community Trust –
  9. Dates for next year
    1. Village Hall summit – Wednesday 27 June 2018, 4 – 8.30pm LLTNP headquarters
    2. 18 September – Trustees meeting
    3. AGM, 2 October 2018
    4. 2 October 2018, 13 November 2018, 5 February 2019, 14 May 2019
  10. AOCB
    1. Christmas lights – apologies
    2. Insurance, heating repair


For noting – list of meetings for 2017 – 2018 

  1. Board of Trustees, AGM & Committee 2 October 2018