Apologies were noted from John McKenzie

Minutes of the meeting – 13 February 2018 – approved by Sheena McAllister and Barbara Crooks

Matters arising from meeting

  • The Secretary was reminded that the gutters had been cleaned by Stirling Council – thanks to Alan Petrie and his team and that the guttering repair work was still pending.  The Community Grant received by the Hall funds the outside repairs and the Committee would need to report to Stirling Council when the work was completed.
  • Second meeting still to be confirmed with SC Asset Team and Economic Development Team
  • BCC survey information still to be requested by M Milner.

The Committee agreed that the Hall’s website should be reviewed but agreed that this would be done later.

The need for new committee members was discussed.  Several names were put forward, and it was agreed that M Milner would approach a well-known local resident to become a committee member.

The Committee discussed the need for continued fundraising and agreed that a race night should be considered in September.  The Committee thanked all the Hall users that contributed financially to the Hall, with the Stitch and Bitch Group the latest addition.

The work list was reviewed – the need to clean the outside drain was noted.


  • A thank you note to be sent to the ELLCT for their donation – Joe and Betty Twaddle specifically.
  • Letter to recent users of the Hall regarding the need to leave the Hall as they found it.