Buchanan Memorial Hall
SCIO 47548
13 February 2018
- Members present – John Proctor, Sheena McAllister, Margaret Milner, Barbara Crooks, Arthur Bayfield, Martyn Robertson
- Apologies were noted from John McKenzie, Fiona Flanagan, Gilbert Bannerman
- Minutes of the previous meeting – 14 November 2017 – approved
- Matters arising
- Community Award £800 – monies must be spent by March 2018
- Jean Cowie contacted
- PRS licence(s) – still outstanding
- Letters to members – charges for 2018 – 2019
- Works pending – Painting the outside
- Community Award £800 – monies must be spent by March 2018
- The committee discussed funding opportunities to continue making improvements to the Hall. It became apparent when the Community Award funding was announced and how to spend the money were considered that spending decisions should wait till further information was obtained on the future of the hall. Aspects of asset transfer were discussed by the committee, and it was agreed that more information was needed.
The focus of the Fore application was to fund a review and survey of the Hall that would help with structuring the Hall’s new business model.
It was agreed that further funding from the Lottery fund should be made.
- A meeting was held with Ian Denvir of Stirling Council to discuss the Hall’s future and business strategy. Lynne McKinley gave her apologies for not attending the meeting. The discussion focused on the future of the Hall, and Ian Denvir agreed that he could not offer any more detail on Stirling Councils stance on transferring the hall to the BMH charity. He suggested contacting Louise Reed Thomas and the SC asset management team including Alan Petrie to set a meeting to discuss ownership of the hall. He suggested that Steven MacDonald of Stirling Councils Economic Development Team be contacted to help develop a business plan for the hall and be encouraged to attend the meeting. He also suggested a survey be distributed to the community on the future of the Hall.
Ian Denvir suggested contacting Jean Cowie about the £800 grant.
- AOCB discussion included allowing Stirling Council a key for reviewing water supply.