Buchanan Memorial Hall Committee
17 October 2017
- Members present: John Proctor (Chair) – M Milner, S McAllister, Barbara Crooks, Fiona Flanagan, Martyn Robertson, Arthur Bayfield, Gilbert Bannerman
- Apologies – John McKenzie
- Minutes of the 17 May 2017 meeting were approved.
- The Secretary reported that she had contacted Margaret McDonald formally enquiring whether she would be agreeable to become a member of the Hall Committee and she reluctantly declined.
- The use of the Hall’s new website – still under development – and the Hall’s new email address were discussed. While there was general approval for using both types of social media to promote the Hall, there was also concern that caution be taken with the use of the email address. The committee agreed that no one wanted to be ‘swamped’ with added email messages and that there would be an element of monitoring taking place.
- The committee was reminded that at the time of the meeting, no news had arrived from OSCR on the Hall’s application to become a charity. The secretary agreed to contact OSCR to enquire of the status of the application.
- The Secretary previously had reported of a meeting held with Fiona Robertson of LLTNP. Fiona had visited the Hall to confirm what type of support the Hall needed and what advice she might be able to offer. The secretary had a subsequent meeting was held with Fiona Robertson at LLTNP’s headquarters where issues concerning the lease and boundaries was discussed. After that meeting, Stirling Council sent earlier/historical lease documents which appear to confirm that the car park is part of the Hall and the role of the Montrose estate and Stirling Council. The committee agreed that this information should be reviewed and advice taken as discussions move forward to confirming a new lease.
- The Committee agreed that Joe Twaddle should be thanked for his work developing and maintaining the bank between the Hall and the Church. The committee also agreed that there were others in the community who were contributing to the upkeep of the bank.
- The Hall’s application to become a charity was discussed, and the Secretary had reported that the application had now been formally sent to OSCR. The list of issues detailed below had been addressed with the Trustee agreements being the only outstanding issue. Fiona Crooks, Margaret Milner and Martyn Robeson all agreed to act as Trustees. Sheena McAllister agreed to co-sign the bank mandate. The information on the Hall’s application has now be sent to user groups.
- Application – completed
- Trustee declarations – completed
- Bank forms – two signatures – completed
- Information sent to user groups – completed
- Financial year and financial statements – included in application
- Business plan – included in application and attached to these minutes
- There was no other business. The next scheduled meeting is the AGM on 3 October 2017.