Committee meeting 17 May 2022
Those attending: Sheena McAllister, Gilbert Bannerman, Jeanetta Docherty, David Fraser, Margaret Milner. Apologies were received from John McKenzie and Fiona Flanagan
Minutes of the committee meeting 8 March 2022 -approved by David Fraser & Gilbert Bannerman.
There were no other matters arising that are not covered elsewhere.
The Treasurer updated the Committee on the current financial position and detailed the need for additional fundraising. The Committee agreed to organize a Race night and a Quiz night.
The Treasurer Fund raising and long-term project funding
Increasing use of Hall was the next item of discussion. It is evident from other groups in the community that there is a need for additional events or projects to take place in the community. The Hall Committee agreed that more use should be made of the Hall and that other organizations should come forward with ideas. The Committee intends to hold a number of fundraising events for the Hall.
The Committee agreed to send thanks to the Jubilee celebrations for its donation to the Hall.
The Committee agreed that dates for a garden tidy-up and a Hall Spring Clean should be set, if not on the same day. The secretary apologizes for not confirming a spring cleaning date last August.